5 Benefits of Routine Vet Visits for Your Cat

5 Benefits of Routine Vet Visits for Your Cat

Here are the top 5 reasons routine vet visits are a vital part for your cat to live a long, healthy life. You might not know that:

1. Cats age more rapidly than humans. A cat reaches the approximate human age of 15 during its first year, and then 24 at age 2. Each year thereafter, they age approximately four “cat years” for every calendar year. So your 8-year-old cat would be 48 in human years. Veterinary care is crucial because a lot can happen in four “cat years,” which is why yearly visits are so important.

2. Cats are masters at hiding illness. Cat’s natural behaviors make them excellent at hiding how they feel when they are sick or in pain. Your cat could be developing a health condition long before you notice anything is wrong. Veterinarians are trained to spot changes or abnormalities that could be overlooked and detect many problems before they advance or become more difficult to treat.

3. Over 50% of cats are overweight or obese. Your veterinarian will check your cat’s weight at every visit and provide nutritional and enrichment recommendations to help keep your cat at an ideal weight. Just a few extra pounds can put cats at risk for diabetes; heart, respiratory, and kidney disease; and more.

4. Preventive care is better than reactive care. Information discussed, along with a thorough physical examination, provides you and your veterinarian with a plan to help your cat remain healthy. Regular exams can help avoid medical emergencies since veterinarians can often detect conditions or diseases that may affect your cat’s health long before they become significant, painful, or more costly to treat.

5. Kittens have 26 teeth, while adult cats have 30. That equates to a lot of dental care! Periodontal disease is considered the most prevalent disease in cats three years of age and older. Often there are no obvious signs of dental disease. Most cats with dental disease still eat without a noticeable change in appetite! Discuss your cat’s teeth at their routine preventive care veterinary visit.

Contact your veterinarian and schedule a routine exam today. Don’t have a veterinarian? Find an AAFP Member or Cat Friendly Practice practice near you .